
LIPSKA 4-6-8 Lipska 4, 6, 8 Kraków - Projects


Lipska 4, 6, 8


It is a complex of modern, functionally diverse two residential and service buildings (No. 4 and 6) and an office building (No. 8). Perfect location and communication within the growing metropolis as well as interesting blocks of buildings are not everything. The investment is characterized by modern design and functionality, it has been included in a timeless architectural form. The total area of the buildings is approximately 11,000 m2. The building was put into use in June 2018.


Firma Bryksy została wyróżniona Specjalną Nagrodą Złotego Sokoła 2022. Nagrodę Złotego Sokoła otrzymujemy nieprzerwanie od 2016 roku.

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Nagroda Specjalna Złotego Sokoła 2022